Withdraw a record, folder or table

This is a released version of the record that has been 'withdrawn' from use Only Released items can be withdrawn. When you withdraw a record, generic record, or folder:

Withdrawn records:

To withdraw a record, folder, or table

  1. In the Contents tree, locate the released item you want to withdraw and click Edit on the item menu button .
  2. Click one of: Withdraw this record /  generic record / folder / table.
  3. If you selected a table, folder, or generic record that contains other folders and/or records (i.e. that has descendant records), you can choose whether to withdraw all of its descendant records as well:
  4. (Optional) Type some notes about the change you are making in the box provided. The notes will apply to all folders and records being changed.
  5. Click OK.
  6. By default, withdrawn records are not shown in the Content tree; to view them in the Contents tree, you need to select Show Withdrawn Records in Settings>Application Options.