Comparison Charts

About comparison charts

Comparison Charts allow you to compare combinations of curves and scatter points for records from any part of the database. For example, you could plot raw test data onto a design curve generated from a materials model to verify the fit between the data and the model. A new set of raw data can then easily be added to the chart to detect any changes in scatter or distribution.

To ensure that you can only compare data which is appropriate, the units and parameters of the functional attributes to be compared must be the same. For example, this allows stress-strain curves from multiple database tables to be compared, even if the attributes have different names.

If functional attributes in different tables share the same unit for the y-axis, and the same parameter name and unit for the x-axis, then they can be compared. Note that for units, the symbol is used for comparison. Also, both unit symbol and parameter name comparison is case-sensitive.

For example, if you want to compare a stress-strain curve in your own custom database, to one in a Granta data product, such as MMPDS, then you need to ensure that the stress-strain attribute conforms to the following convention:

To generate a comparison chart, you first select one or more functional data charts of interest, then, optionally, select the data points to overlay the chart.

Once a comparison chart has been created, it remains in place for the session, unless replaced.

Generating comparison charts

Selecting the functional data attributes of interest can be done from the datasheet or from the Reports page.

To generate a comparison chart from a datasheet:

  1. Underneath the functional chart of interest, click Add to Comparison Chart.
  2. Select New Chart for the first chart added for comparison.
  3. To add further charts, browse to the datasheet and click Add to Comparison Chart, selecting Add to Existing when prompted.

To generate a comparison chart from the Reports page:

  1. Click Reports on the toolbar.
  2. The Record List shows the currently-selected records. Add or delete records from the list, as required, then click Comparison Chart Comparison Chart.
  3. If a comparison chart already exists, you can add the selected records to the existing chart or replace it with a new chart. Select the option you want and then click OK.
  4. On the Add data page, under Add curves, select the functional attribute of interest. This is plotted on the y-axis of the chart

    If you have an existing chart, only attributes which have compatible units and parameters will be listed.

  5. Select the parameter for the x-axis of the chart.
  6. Click Add Series to generate the new chart/add data to the existing chart. (A set of records is considered a 'series'.)

Overlaying a comparison chart with numeric data  

You can select a pair of attributes from your chosen records to scatter on an existing comparison chart. The data points must have units that are compatible with the base chart.

Selecting the records to overlay is done from the Record List.

  1. Click Reports on the toolbar.
  2. Click Comparison Chart Comparison Chart.
  3. Select Add records to the existing comparison chart and click OK.
  4. Under Add scatter points (X-Y values), select the attributes of interest from the lists.
  5. Click Add Series to add the series data to the existing comparison chart.

Adding data from another database  

Comparison Charts allow you to compare curves and scatter points from different databases, for example, to compare different sources of the same data.

  1. In the first database, create a Comparison Chart of the functional data you are interested in.
  2. In  the second database, locate the record containing the data you want to compare, and open its datasheet.
  3. On the datasheet, find the functional attribute corresponding to the charted data, and click on Add to Comparison Chart below the graph.
  4. Click Add to Existing.
  5. The new curve is added to your existing Comparison Chart.

Viewing an existing comparison chart

  1. Click Reports on the toolbar.
  2. At the top of the Reports page, click View Existing Comparison Chart.

Copying a comparison chart  

You can copy a chart and paste it into a document, presentation, or spreadsheet. The chart and legend must be copied/pasted separately and note that you may need to use Paste Special in your target document.

  1. On the Comparison Chart page, click the Copy command below the chart.
  2. Copy the image using your browser's Copy function, then paste it into the target document.
  3. Copy the legend using your browser's copy function, then paste it into the target document.
  4. Click Close.

Multi-valued point (MVP) data will be copied to the clipboard as a separate table (one table per MVP attribute).

Changing the chart units

If the current database contains two or more unit systems, you can select the unit system used to display data values in the chart: on the toolbar at the top of the page, click Units and choose the unit system you want to use.

Formatting charts

The visibility and color of lines and points in a chart can be easily changed via the chart's legend.

To change the color of lines and points

In the second column of the legend, click on the color picker button for a curve or series to open the Color menu, and select the color you want. The chart will update immediately.

To show/hide lines and points in the chart

In the first column of the legend, clear the check box for a curve or series to hide its line or points from the chart; select the check box to show it again.

To show/hide values in the chart

Use the drop down list at the top of each column in the Curve Data legend to select a specific value to show on the chart, or to show all values.

To format series data

Additional formatting options for series data are available via the Edit Series page: click Edit in the series legend.

To format the data points:
  1. Select which records in the series to edit. Selecting the top item enables selection or de-selection of all records.
  2. Click Hide to hide the selected records on the chart. The 'Visible' column will update.
  3. Click Display to show the selected records on the chart. The 'Visible' column will update.
  4. Click Delete to remove the selected records from the chart. The table will update.

    To add these series again, you must return to the record list.

  5. Click Back to Chart.
To change the symbol for the series (or to split a series) :
  1. Select which records in the series to edit. Selecting the top item enables selection or de-selection of all records.
  2. Click Change symbol and choose the desired symbol.
  3. Click Cancel to close the window without making a choice.

    Note: If you only change the symbol for some of the records, those records become a new series.

To change the name of the series :
  1. Click Edit next to the series name at the top of the page.
  2. Type the new name and click Save.
To view more data columns:
  1. Click View More Data.
  2. Click on an attribute name to select it. You are returned to the page, with the record values for the selected attribute visible in a new column.
  3. Click Back to Chart to return to the comparison chart.