Editing text data

Text data may be stored in short text, long text, or discrete attributes.

To edit text data

  1. Ensure that the system is in Edit Mode.
  2. Open the datasheet of interest and click Edit this data on the left of the text attribute name.
  3. On the Data tab, enter the text in the text field.
  4. For long text attributes, you can set the Format to Plain Text or Markdown. Markdown allows text to be shown as formatted text on the datasheet, for example, to emphasize words, to add headings and lists, or to ensure that superscript and subscript characters are displayed correctly on the datasheet; see Using Markdown below.
  5. For discrete attributes:
    1. For an attribute that can take only one value (e.g. Poor, Satisfactory, Good), select the value from the list.
    2. For a discrete that can take multiple values (sometimes referred to as a multi-value discrete), select a value from the list and then add more  values by clicking Add another value.
  6. Not Applicable: select this check box if this attribute is not relevant for this record. Note that selecting Not Applicable will result in all existing data defined for this attribute being deleted when you click Save.
  7. (Optional) You may be able to add metadata about the data value, such as statistical information or notes about the source of the data.
  8. (Optional) You can add information about any changes that you make on the Notes tab.
  9. Click Save to save all your changes.

Note: if a short text attribute requires a unique value (configured in MI:Admin), MI:Viewer will check to see if the value you entered is already being used in another record; if yes, you will be unable to save your changes to the data, and a message similar to this will be displayed with the name of the attribute and the duplicate value:  "No changes have been saved. There is already a record with attribute 'AttributeA' set to value 'ValueX'.

Using Markdown

Long text data on datasheets can be formatted using Markdown formatting syntax. The Markdown syntax has been extended in MI:Viewer to support superscript and subscript text; see the table below for examples.

For more detailed information on Markdown syntax, see Find out more about Markdown. Note that inline HTML formatting cannot be used to format text in GRANTA MI.

Supported Markdown syntax

Formatting Markdown syntax Example Output
Span elements


Italic: single asterisk ( * ) or single underscore ( _ ) on each side of the text

Bold: two asterisks ( ** ) or two underscores ( __ ) on each side of the text

Some *italic* or _italic_ text.

Some **bold** or __bold__ text.


[link text](http://url.com "Title")

"Title" is optional and specifies the text displayed when the mouse is moved over the link text.

A link to my [website](http://acme.com/ "ACME website")


![alt text](filepath "Title")

[alt text] and "Title" are optional.
[alt text] specifies text to be displayed instead of the specified image when the image is not available.
"Title" specifies the text displayed when  the mouse is moved over the image.

![ACME Co Logo](images/logo.png "ACME logo")

Linked images

[![alt text](filepath "Title")](http://url.com)

To link an image, place square brackets around the image code, and then place the link URL in round brackets immediately after it.

[![Link to ACME website](images/logo.png
"ACME website")](http://acme.com)


Single backtick ( ` ) quote on each side of the text.

Example: `Domain\Group`

Superscript Single caret ^ character on each side of the text, for example: ^x^
The scripted text cannot include spaces.


Subscript Single tilde (swung dash) ~ character on each side of the text; for example: ~x~
The scripted text cannot include spaces.

l~y~ = π (d~o~^4^ - d~i~^4^)/64

Block elements


Top-level heading: three or more consecutive equals ( === ) characters on a line.

Second-level heading: three or more consecutive hyphens ( --- ) on a line.

Heading 1
some text Heading 2
some more text


Greater than character ( > ) at the start of each line.
Block quotes can be nested.

A profile that includes the **MI:Training** database

> line 1of block quote

> line 2 of block quote

Some more text

Lists, ordered

Line starting with any number followed by a period (.), followed by a space

6. first item
11. next item

Lists, unordered Line starting with an asterisk followed by a space.

* A bullet list item
* Another list item
* And another list item

Horizontal rule Three or more asterisks ( *** ), or underscores ( ___ ) on a line by themselves.

some text
some more text

Backslash escapes Markdown allows you to use backslash escapes to generate literal characters which would otherwise have special meaning in Markdown’s formatting syntax.
Markdown provides backslash escapes for the following characters:
  • \ backslash
  • ` backtick
  • * asterisk
  • _ underscore
  • {} curly braces
  • [] square brackets
  • () parentheses
  • # hash mark
  • + plus sign
  • - minus sign (hyphen)
  • . dot
  • ! exclamation mark

\*literal asterisks\*


\_literal underscores\_


\[literal square brackets\]

Find out more about Markdown

You can refer to Daring Fireball’s Markdown (external link) site for additional syntax examples and a useful cheat sheet, but remember that inline HTML in Markdown-formatted text will not work in GRANTA MI.