Editing numerical data

Numerical data may be stored in point, range, or integer attributes.  To edit the data and metadata values for numerical data, click Edit this data near the attribute name on the datasheet. (In a version-controlled table, this option is only available on unreleased records.)  Different edit options are available, depending on the type of data you are editing.

To edit point, range, and integer data

  1. Ensure that the system is in Edit Mode.
  2. Open the datasheet of interest and click Edit this data on the left of the attribute name.
  3. Edit the data value. For numerical attributes that can take multiple values (multi-value point attributes), click Add data and enter the data value(s).
  4. Estimated Value: select this check box to identify the value as estimated, for example, where it was not possible to obtain the data from authoritative sources.
  5. Not Applicable: select this check box if this attribute is not relevant for this record. Note that selecting Not Applicable will result in all existing data defined for this attribute being deleted when you click Save.
  6. (Optional) You may be able to add metadata about the data, such as statistical information or notes about the source of the data.
  7. (Optional) You can add information about any changes that you make on the Notes tab.
  8. Click Save to save all your changes.

Note: if an integer attribute requires a unique value (configured in MI:Admin), MI:Viewer will check to see if the value you entered is already being used in another record; if yes, you will be unable to save your changes to the data, and a message similar to this will be displayed with the name of the attribute and the duplicate value:  "No changes have been saved. There is already a record with attribute 'AttributeA' set to value 'ValueX'.

Entering range values

To specify a range, enter the maximum and minimum values, for example:

To specify an open-ended range, enter a hyphen ( - ) in the part of the range that is open. For example, to specify a minimum:


To specify a maximum:


Specifying trailing zeroes in point and range attributes

Point and Range attributes can store and display trailing zeros at the end of a numerical value, allowing the correct representation of data where precision is important. The significant zero is indicated by an overbar.

To use trailing zeros, when entering data, type in the decimal separator (plus any zeros). The maximum number of significant figures allowed is six.

Examples (with decimal point) :

Enter 0.400 to store/display 0.400

Enter 1.2300e5 to store/display 123000

Enter 24. to store/display the value as 24

Enter 27.0 to store/display 27.0