Notifications options

The Notifications feature in MI:Viewer allows users to “watch” specific records, folders, and data, and view notifications about any changes made to items on their “watch list”. Users can check their notifications by clicking Settings and then clicking the Notifications tab. (Users may also receive auto-generated email notifications about changed items, if this has been set up in MI:Server Manager.)

GRANTA MI administrators can control the availability of Notifications functionality in MI:Viewer via two options under the Notifications options heading on the Admin page General tab.

Option Description
Enable Notifications Enables and disables the Notifications feature in MI:Viewer.
  • When enabled (check box is selected), users will be able to add items to their watch list, receive email notifications (if this is configured) and may also be able to check their notifications on the Notifications tab, depending on the 2nd option setting, described below.
  • When disabled (check box is not selected), this feature will be turned off for all users. No users will see the Notifications tab or be able to add items to watch lists, and no email notifications will be auto-generated.
Show the Notifications tab only to Admin users Use this option to prevent non-Admin users from checking for notification information about their watched items.
  • When this check box is selected, only Admin users will see the Notifications tab. Users who are not administrators will not see the Notifications tab, but will still be able to add items to watch lists and receive automatically-generated notification emails (if configured).
  • When this check box is not selected, all  users will see the Notifications tab.

See the GRANTA MI Administrator's Guide for information on configuring Notification email settings and setting up notifications scheduled tasks.